Interface: ExtremesObject

Highcharts. ExtremesObject

The returned object literal from the Highcharts.Axis#getExtremes function.


dataMax :number

The maximum value of the axis' associated series.

  • number

dataMin :number

The minimum value of the axis' associated series.

  • number

max :number

The maximum axis value, either automatic or set manually. If the max option is not set, maxPadding is 0 and endOnTick is false, this value will be the same as dataMax.

  • number

min :number

The minimum axis value, either automatic or set manually. If the min option is not set, minPadding is 0 and startOnTick is false, this value will be the same as dataMin.

  • number

userMax :number|undefined

The user defined maximum, either from the max option or from a zoom or setExtremes action.

  • number | undefined

userMin :number|undefined

The user defined minimum, either from the min option or from a zoom or setExtremes action.

  • number | undefined